Hi children,
Please write in the comment area your reflection about termites, AFTER you have read about them from the GMLites activity.
Please write in the comment area your reflection about termites, AFTER you have read about them from the GMLites activity.
i think termites are gross and strangely interesting
After reading the termites information i found out more about termites.
the information is intersting.now then i found out there is so much termites in the world
After reading about termites, I realize that there are basically 4 types of termites. Queen termites can live up to 25 years. Queen termite is the biggest among them and lay thousands of eggs a day.
I find termites a little ugly but very intresting,and i did not know that they come in different colour Li yuan
I find termites a little ugly but very intresting,and i did not know that they come in different colour Li yuan
I think termitesare actually abit of disgusting,but now i know it is very interesting.And i also found out thatthere is actually a wing reproductive termite.it sounds fun but when i see a termite i will find a item and kill it
Wilbert Tang
I didn't know that termites have a huge nest.
I found out that termites have been around since the time of dinosaurs!!! And termites colonies eat non-stop,24 HOURS a day. It is interesting to find out more about termites. ;P
Hi children,
Thank you for sharing your lovely reflections on termites. I learnt that many of you have learnt something about this small but magnificent insect. I'm so happy to be able to share with you and also learn some new things from your research (an example is I learnt from Nicholas that termites are DINOSAURS!!!). Let's wait for more reflections from the others:)
Hi Mr Azhari,
I don't think that termites are "DINOSAURS" but rather they have existed since the time of dinosaurs for your info. Amazingly... they eat non-stop round the clock!
Mdm Hamidah
Haziq's mum
After reading the information i found out that termites will do anything to protect the queen even if it puts their life on the line
Hi Mdm Hamidah,
Point taken :) It's just a term to say that they lived with Dinosaurs, that's why the reason I've placed it in CAPs :)
Hi Mr Azhari,
Mmmm I see ...It's a misperception
Thanks for sharing :)
Mdm Hamidah
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